Thursday, March 31, 2011


The project seems like it is going to be good. It has been fun to be an actor. The filming for each scene takes a while though. In the end it is still fun though.I still might have to be in some scenes to be in the background. I'm also going to try and be an extra. The project has been a lot of fun.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I finsished my big acting part. We did it last Saturday. I was also an extra in the party scene. It was pretty fun having an acting part. I think I am going to be an extra when I can. I hope the movie turns out well. It has been a lot of fun.

Friday, March 25, 2011


This my fourth post. We are filming the thirdscene and the second scene today. We are filming the first and the fourth scene tomorrow. All of my lines are in the first scene. I have most of them memorized. I am kind of nervous to film. I think it will be fun though. I hope the movie turns out well.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

third post

I found out that I am playing Gregory. Also, we are filming next week. I have a little pressure because i have to memorize all of my lines. I have some of them memorized though. I am able to film on the weekends, but I can't after school. Finding filming spots is going to be hard. I think the movie will turn out great though.

Friday, March 18, 2011

This is my second post. I think that for the fight scene in the beginning we should have a fist fight instead of swords. This would be more realistic for a modern setting. I'm also wondering how we are going to do the fight. I am very excited to be an actor. It Is going to be a lot of fun to have a part in the movie. It is going to be a lot of fun.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

first post

This is my first post for the project. I am an actor in the play. I play Sampson. Sampson is one of Romeo's family members. He is in the first scence where the Montagues fight the Capulets. It is important because that scene shows how the two families hate each other.Something I am looking forward to is being in the play as a an actor.